Results for 'Lidia Wanda Cierpiałkowska'

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  1.  12
    Self-report versus clinical ratings using the SWAP-200 in the assessment of personality disorders.Emilia Soroko, Lidia Wanda Cierpiałkowska & Łukasz Mech - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:178-191.
    The relationship between self- and informant reports of personality using psychometric instruments is constantly the focus of attention for researchers in the field of clinical assessment in psychology. The research shows weak agreement between clinicians and patients’ assessments of personality disorders (PDs). The current study aimed at the convergence of measurement of PDs using the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure (SWAP-200), the self-report Character Styles Questionnaire-R (CSQ-R) and Borderline Personality Inventory (BPI). Paper-pencil questionnaires were administered to 102 inpatients (88.2% female, aged 18-64, (...)
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    Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active Alcoholic Father.Lidia Cierpiałkowska & Iwona Grzegorzewska - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):95-104.
    Developmental Task Attainment in Adolescents from Families with a Recovering Alcoholic or Active Alcoholic Father The problem under consideration is the issue of adolescent developmental tasks in families with alcohol-related problems, especially in families which contain one or more treated alcoholics. In the present work it was hypothesised that the treatment of alcoholic fathers would be one of the more important protective factors in families coping with alcoholism. The participants of the study included 91 children, aged 17-18. The research sample (...)
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    Resources evaluation in patients with multiple sclerosis: A moderation effect of time since diagnosis.Lidia Cierpiałkowska & Natalia Nowaczyk - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (3):357-365.
    Multiple sclerosis significantly affects how patients maintain the resources they consider important. The aim of this paper is to describe the moderation effect of time since diagnosis on the evaluation of resources by patients with multiple sclerosis, on the basis of S.E. Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources theory. The study was conducted using paper and pencil methods and involved 77 patients, of whom 32 received their diagnosis less than four years ago, and 45 more than four years ago. The patients’ resource (...)
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    Mentalization within close relationships: The role of specific attachment style.Lidia Cierpiałkowska & Błażej M. Bączkowski - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):285-299.
    Mentalization is a form of social cognition that enables to perceive and interpret human behaviour in terms of intentional mental states and is influenced by social context. Hence, we examined mentalization related to specific attachment relationships. This study involved 115 participants who reported their relationship-specific and global attachment styles, and perspective-taking tendency towards their attachment figures. Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task-Revised was used as a proxy for mentalization disregarding relationships. The results showed that perspective-taking was associated with relationship-specific (...)
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    Lidia Obojska.Lidia Obojska - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (1):105-122.
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    Logic as the Question Concerning the Essence of Language.Wanda Torres Gregory & Yvonne Unna (eds.) - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    _Aims to transform logic into a reflection on the nature of language._.
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    Unfit Subjects: Education Policy and the Teen Mother, 1972-2002.Wanda S. Pillow - 2004 - Routledge.
    Wanda Pillow presents a critical analysis of federal law and polciy towards pregnant teens, representations of teen pregnancy in popular culture and educational policy assesses how schools provide educational opportunities for school aged mothers. Through in- depth analysis of specific policies and programmes, both past and present, thsi book traces America's successes and failures in educating pregnant teens. Unfit Subjects uses feminist, race and poststructural theories to inform a satisfactory educational policy.
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    Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues.Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon & Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Editors Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon, and Alison Dundes Renteln have assembled the works of an interdisciplinary, international team of experts in bioethics into a comprehensive, innovative and accessible book. Topics covered range from torture and lethal injection to euthanasia, sex selection, vulnerable human subjects, to health equity, safety and public health, and environmental disasters like Bhopal, Fukushima, and more.
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    Some remarks on supplementation principles in the absence of antisymmetry.Lidia Obojska - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):343-347.
    In response to the paper by Cotnoir and Bacon published in RSL 2/2012, we would like to add some remarks regarding supplementation principles. It is known that in a classical mereology, the Strong Supplementation Principle (SSP) together with antisymmetry enforces the Weak Supplementation Principle (WSP). Instead, in the nonwellfounded mereology, the failure of extensionality causes the failure of antisymmetry (Cotnoir, 2010), hence the investigated model is also nonantisymmetric. Cotnoir supposes that the failure of antisymmetry implies the failure of (WSP) when (...)
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    Epic narratives of the Green Revolution in Brazil, China, and India.Lídia Cabral, Poonam Pandey & Xiuli Xu - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):249-267.
    The Green Revolution is often seen as epitomising the dawn of scientific and technological advancement and modernity in the agricultural sector across developing countries, a process that unfolded from the 1940s through to the 1980s. Despite the time that has elapsed, this episode of the past continues to resonate today, and still shapes the institutions and practices of agricultural science and technology. In Brazil, China, and India, narratives of science-led agricultural transformations portray that period in glorifying terms—entailing pressing national imperatives, (...)
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  11. How to Solve the Social Norm Conflict Dilemma of Green Consumption: The Moderating Effect of Self-Affirmation.Wanda Ge, Guanghua Sheng & Hongli Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Social norms are important social factors that affect individual behavioral change. Using social norms to promote green consumption is receiving increasing attention. However, due to the different formation processes and mechanisms of the behavioral influence of the different types of social norms, using social norms to promote green consumption often has social norm conflict situations. Thus, it is difficult to attain the maximum utility of social norms. The present research found that social norm conflict weakens the role of injunctive norms (...)
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  12.  8
    La filosofia contemporanea in Brasile.Lidia Acerboni - 1968 - Milano,: Vita e pensiero.
  13.  23
    Religionswissenschaftliche Fachdidaktik in europäischer Perspektive.Wanda Alberts - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 16 (1):1-14.
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  14. Values for librarians in the information age.Wanda V. Dole & Jitka M. Hurych - 2001 - Journal of Information Ethics 10 (2):38-50.
  15.  31
    Le passage des Frontières : élans, ouvertures….Wanda Dressler - 2005 - Diogène 210 (2):108-115.
    Résumé Ce texte explicite l’objectif du présent numéro sur les frontières et les identités mouvantes. Il situe cette interrogation dans le contexte de la constitution de blocs macro-régionaux et de la fin de la bipolarité. Il tend à montrer les incidences d’un tel contexte sur le fonctionnement des zones frontalières et celui des identités qu’elles ont forgées au cours du temps long de l’histoire moderne. Cet article voudrait mettre en évidence l’émergence du dogmatisme de la religion du capital sous les (...)
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    Unintelligibility in Heidegger.Wanda Torres Gregory - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 11:57-61.
    In his Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis) (GA 65), Heidegger claims: "Making itself intelligible is the suicide of philosophy" (435). He defines intelligibility in terms of the modern metaphysical forms of thinking and speaking about beings as objects of representation. Moreover, intelligibility involves a uniform accessibility for the inauthentic. anybody of an age marked by thoughtlessness. Thus, Heidegger upholds and tries to adhere to a principle of unintelligibility for the thinkers in the crossing from the first beginning to the other (...)
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  17. Ma : spaces for thinking in 13 haibuns.Wanda Hurren - 2019 - In Boyd White, Anita Sinner & Pauline Sameshima (eds.), Ma: materiality in teaching and learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
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    Logiczne podstawy rozumowań.Wanda Kustrzeba, Ludwik Kostro & Jan Przybyłowski (eds.) - 1995 - Gdańsk: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego.
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  19. The screenic image : between verticality and horizontality, viewing and touching, displaying and playing.Wanda Strauven - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.), Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    Ein Axiomatischer Aufbau der Euklidischen Geometrie.Wanda Szmielew, Alfred Tarski & Wolfram Schwabhauser - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1073-1075.
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    Influência da Diáspora na escuta de rádio online.Lidia Paula Trentin & Álvaro Nunes Larangeira - 2017 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 24 (1).
    O presente estudo pretende compreender como a diáspora interfere no ato de ouvir a programação da Rádio Comunitária 87.9 FM de Frederico Westphalen, Rio Grande do Sul, pela internet, isto é, se o fato de ouvir a emissora por meio do site aproxima os indivíduos diaspóricos de Frederico Westphalen, da Rádio ou de alguém que resida no município e como isso acontece. A metodologia utilizada foi de entrevistas em profundidade com ouvintes da Rádio Comunitária FM que estão em situação de (...)
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    Introduction.Wanda Dressler - 2001 - Diogène 194 (2):3-.
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    "Caring" Capitalism and the Duplicity of Critique.Wanda Vrasti - 2011 - Theory and Event 14 (4).
  24.  28
    Disability, Diversity, and Autism: Philosophical Perspectives on Health.Lidia Ripamonti - 2016 - The New Bioethics 22 (1):56-70.
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  25. Searching for Sacajawea: Whitened Reproductions and Endarkened Representations.Wanda Pillow - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (2):1-19.
    Pillow's aim is to demonstrate how representations of Sacajawea have shifted in writings about the Lewis and Clark expedition in ways that support manifest destiny and white colonial projects. This essay begins with a general account of Sacajawea. The next section uses two novels to make the case that shifts in the representation of this important historical figure serve similar purposes. There is some attention to white suffragist representations, but the central contrast is between manifest destiny and multiculturalism. The final (...)
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  26.  62
    Eros e linguaggio nel Simposio.Lidia Palumbo - 2012 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 9:85-92.
    In questa relazione suggerisco di considerare almeno la possibilità che nel Simposio Platone ci offre non una mera spiegazione della natura dell’amore, ma una spiegazione filosofica della natura del linguaggio (sull’amore). Nel Simposio Eros è una maschera di Socrate e Socrate una maschera del linguaggio. La storia di Diotima sulla nascita di Eros, figlio di Poros e Penia conferma questo punto: il linguaggio, come l’amore, non può possedere il suo oggetto come qualcosa di presente ma solo sempre in una fragile (...)
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  27. Friendship With God?Wanda Cizewski - 1992 - Philosophy and Theology 6 (4):369-381.
    First I investigate the concept of friendship in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, books eight and nine. Next, I touch on some of the distinctively Christian aspects of the concept of friendship in Thomas Aquinas’s though, with particular attention to the virtue of caritas as friendship with God. Having by these means gained some perspective on the problem, I describe the new direction taken by Macmurray’s interpretation of friendship, and especially the question of friendship with God.
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    Benedicti Hesse quaestiones disputatae super tres libros "De anima" Aristotelis (libri II et III): editio critica et inquisitio historico-philosophica.Wanda Bajor - 2011 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL. Edited by Benedykt Hesse & Aristotle.
  29. Forma Dei-Forma Servi. A Study of Thomas Aquinas' Use of Philippians 2: 6-7.Wanda Cizewski - 1989 - Divus Thomas 92 (1-2):3-32.
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    Samoocena jako wyznacznik aktywności osób długotrwale bezrobotnych.Lidia Domańska - 2001 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 7:193-206.
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    I. Die symbolische Vollendung der Erkenntnis nach Salomon Maimon.Lidia Gasperoni - 2016 - In Versinnlichung: Kants Transzendentaler Schematismus Und Seine Revision in der Nachfolge. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 177-206.
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  32. Per gli uccelli/contro gli uccelli: narrazioni moderniste sulla fine dell'arte.Lidia Goher - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 47 (35):189-222.
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    Askesekonzeptionen in Mahima Dharma.Lidia Guzy - 2022 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 31 (1):185-208.
    Der Beitrag diskutiert die vielfältigen Askese-Traditionen und Vorstellungen einer neuen religiösen Gruppe im Osten Indiens, deren Zentren in asketischen Orden und der Laienbevölkerung in Stammesgebieten Odishas liegen.
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    Libres d’obéir.Lidia Lanza - 2023 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 107 (3):493-524.
    La question 104 de la II a II ae n’est qu’une de celles de la Summa theologiae où Thomas d’Aquin réfléchit sur l’obéissance, en théorisant sa nécessité à tous les niveaux de la réalité et en établissant sa portée et ses limites. Lorsque la réflexion de Thomas est appliquée à un contexte doctrinal et historique différent à divers égards, cette réflexion ouvre à l’inclusion d’éléments nouveaux, déclenchant ainsi une nouvelle discussion sur les relations complexes entre les autorités à obéir et (...)
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    Martin of Dacia.Lidia Lanza - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 723--725.
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    Sixteenth-Century Sentences Commentaries from Coimbra.Lidia Lanza & Marco Toste - 2018 - Studia Neoaristotelica 15 (2):217-284.
    In the second half of the sixteenth century, many universities influenced by Salamanca adopted the Summa theologiae as the textbook for teaching scholastic theology. At the same time, the universities decided that some minor chairs should teach one of the Sentences commentaries written by one of the following authors: Duns Scotus, Durand of Saint-Pourçain, or Gabriel Biel. As a result, some commentaries on these commentaries started to appear. This is most notably the case when it comes to the University of (...)
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    The Relationship between Conscience and Law in Some Late Scholastic Commentators on Aquinas’s ‘Summa theologiae’.Lidia Lanza - 2014 - In Guy Guldentops & Andreas Speer (eds.), Das Gesetz - the Law - la Loi. De Gruyter. pp. 471-488.
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  38. Między kronikami historii a tropami wiary,„.Burska Lidia - forthcoming - Res Publica.
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    Programa aislados: la gamificación como estrategia para promover el aprendizaje social y emocional.Lidia Losada, Javier Cejudo, Mario Pena Garrido & Roberto Feltrero - forthcoming - Voces de la Educación:155-168.
    El objetivo del presente estudio es describir dos experiencias de implementaci ó n de un programa de intervenci ó n dirigido a j ó venes y adolescentes españoles y dominicanos. El programa se desarrolla mediante la estrategia de gamificaci ó n a travé s del videojuego "Aislados" que contribuye al desarrollo del aprendizaje social y emocional. Se comparan las experiencias, incluyendo los resultados de autopercepci ó n en ambos contextos.
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  40. Ensino de filosofia com arte: entre o pensar, o sentir e o escutar.Marton Silmara Lídia - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (2):342-361.
    Como propiciar um estado permanente de criação filosófica no ensino da Filosofia entre os estudantes do Ensino Superior? Eis o objetivo deste artigo. Essa questão está previamente acompanhada por dois argumentos: um deles relativo ao fato de que o ensino prevê uma atitude de abertura, disposição e curiosidade, condições essas indispensáveis à aprendizagem. O segundo, decorrente do primeiro, é que o ensino de Filosofia está intimamente vinculado à natureza própria da Filosofia que, distante da busca pela verdade como afirmação ou (...)
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    Malfeasance and regaining.Wanda K. Mohr & Sara Horton-Deutsch - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (1).
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  42. Platone demiurgo del testo e del mondo: sulla poetica dei dialoghi.Lidia Palumbo - 2024 - Napoli: Paolo Loffredo.
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    Pensare l’anima nello spazio iconico dei dialoghi di Platone.Lidia Palumbo - 2011 - Chôra 9:13-31.
    Il y a dans les Dialogues de Platon une idée scénique de l’âme. Le texte lui-même peut-être lu comme une représentation, comme une mise en scène de la pensée qui se déploie dans l’âme. L’âme, à son tour, contient une population psychique avec de nombreux habitants. Ces habitants de l’âme parlent entre eux, et ce sont ces discours qui font (sont) l’âme, parce que la psyche pour Platon a une nature linguistique, est un tissu de mots et d’images. Dans le (...)
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    O nacionalismo no pensamento filosófico: aventuras e desventuras da filosofia no Brasil.Lidia Maria Rodrigo - 1988 - Petrópolis: Vozes.
  45. a: Philippe van Thieghem: Les influences étrangères sur la litterature francaise-in.Wanda-ree Rupolo - 1962 - Humanitas 3:283-285.
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    No Place for a Feminist: Intersectionality and the Problem South: SWS Presidential Address.Wanda Rushing - 2017 - Gender and Society 31 (3):293-309.
    Perceptions of the American South as being no place for a feminist continue to affect and inform decisions about research and activism in the region. By taking a closer look at Memphis and the American South, and by questioning longstanding assumptions, stereotypes, and omissions about the region, we create additional opportunities for further discussion about the complexities of feminism, intersectionality, and place. I challenge two common assumptions about the South. The first is the assumption that southern feminists are rare, or (...)
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  47. Case 1: human rights ; Torturous deeds: crossing moral boundaries.Wanda Teays - 2014 - In Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon & Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.), Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  48. Introduction to Part IV: Public health.Wanda Teays - 2014 - In Wanda Teays, John-Stewart Gordon & Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.), Global Bioethics and Human Rights: Contemporary Issues. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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    Conceptualising the Reconstruction of Identities in the Postcommunist Countries.Wanda Dressler - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):5-15.
    In this article I propose to explore the meanings, mechanisms and issues at stake in the reconstitution of identities which can now be seen taking place in the countries of the post-communist space. We shall consider this space not as a thing in itself, but in terms of its old and new interactions with the countries of western Europe, in order to understand the phenomena of reconstructed identities in general, in the context of their relationship to the period of globalisation (...)
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    Introduction.Wanda Dressler - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):3-4.
    Scholars from different disciplines are seeking to construct the new field of post-communism, which has been created by the implosion of the communist regime. They explore the most important dimensions of the differences between various types of space and geographical territories: the spaces of identity and the social, political and geopolitical spaces in certain countries of Central Europe (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia), the Balkans (Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia) and the Russian world and its Eurasian borders (Russia, (...)
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